With 88 foreign embassies in Israel, a diplomatic community which numbers 5,000, and hundreds of diplomatic visits to Israel by prime ministers, presidents, and ministers annually, there's no such thing as a quiet day for the Israel MFA's Protocol and Official Guest Bureau.

The Bureau handles everything from hotel bookings, to official ceremonies for the world's most powerful leaders, to catering to foreign diplomats daily needs. The man behind the MFA's one stop shop for diplomats and dignitaries? Ambassador Meron Reuben, the Chief of State Protocol for the State of Israel.

So what happens when a foreign diplomat's staff are caught smuggling weapons and how can cultural etiquette prevent diplomatic faux pas? All this and more on this week's episode of Persona Grata.

To learn more about foreign diplomats in Israel visit mfa.gov.il/MFA/AboutTheMinistr…/Pages/default.aspx.

Listeners can follow Ambassador Reuben on Twitter here:


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