Israel's relationship with the African continent began in the years following Israel's independence. When many African countries including Rwanda established independence in the early 1960s, Israel which was a young country at the time, viewed these countries as partners and was eager to share its experiences in development and capacity building.

More than six decades later, ties between Israel and the African continent continue to reach new heights.

Earlier this week (Monday, April 1), Israel and Rwanda made history with the inauguration of a new Israeli embassy in Rwanda. While Israel and Rwanda re-established diplomatic ties in 1994, the inauguration of the embassy marks the first time that Israel will maintain a resident ambassador in Kigali, Rwanda's capital.

The inauguration of the Israeli embassy in Kigali, brings the total number of Israeli embassies in Sub-Saharan Africa to eleven.

We sat down with Israel's new ambassador to Rwanda, Ron Adam, to discuss the historic milestone and the potential for Israel-Rwanda ties.

You can follow Ambassador Adam on Twitter here:

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