One could argue that Dawn Sweeney has devoted her life to food – from growing up on a farm in Maine to developing the “milk mustache” campaign to running one of the largest and most successful food associations in Washington as the President and CEO of the National Restaurant Association. In doing so, Dawn has become widely regarded as one of the most powerful and respected women in DC. She is in every way a self-made success and it hasn’t always been easy. Dawn started off with just four suits in her suitcase, $300 in her pocket and a fire in her belly. Over the years, she has not only had to beat the odds at work, she has also had to overcome the tragedy of losing a child. But you’d never know it if you met her. She is warm and welcoming; smart and determined. A wonderful blend of caring and drive. Today on Your Career, Your Terms: Pivot Points™, Dawn shares her best advice on balancing the home and office, overcoming setbacks, learning from failures and landing a job you really want.

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