Addiction tears marriages and families apart. To Those Left Behind: Helping Partners and Families Understand and Heal From Addictions is a compassionate and practical guide for the partners and families of addicts.

Author, Travis Thompson, is a licensed family and marriage therapist offering a therapeutic perspective on addiction and its impact on those around the addict. His experience & wisdom will help you walk this difficult road in the healthiest way.

Also, in this episode: Is holding a sign calling the LGBTQ+ community to repent the best way to call them to repentance? Perry doesn’t think so.

How’s your love relationship with God? Does the mention of his name stir affection in your heart? It’s out of your relationship with God that everything else flows. Nothing matters more than your relationship with God.

If someone close to you has passed into eternity and that thought terrifies you because you don’t know where they ended up, Perry and Shawna have some encouragement for you.

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