Today on Perry and Shawna Mornings we kick off a week of conversations on experiencing breakthrough.  First, if you’ve come to the place where you’re saying, “God I can’t keep doing this, I can’t go any further, this weight is too heavy,” you’re in a good place.  God has a word of breakthrough for you.  Then we talk about how it’s easy to lead when life is easy but much harder when it’s hard.  God is calling you and me as followers of Jesus to lead during this difficult time.  Not to wait till it’s over, but to lead now, because there are those looking to us to find a way through.  And we lead them by speaking the beautiful words and doing the beautiful works he’s prepared for us to do now.  And finally if we keep doing the same thing, we going to get the same outcome.  It’s time to do something different.  If we’re stuck we need to ask God, “What do I need to do differently?”  And as we obey what he shares with us, he will give us breakthrough.