Previous Episode: All Things New
Next Episode: Freedom Friday

Today on Perry and Shawna Mornings JS Park joins the team.  JS is a hospital chaplain, blogger, teaching pastor and author of The Voices We Carry,  His book is all about the voices, the thoughts, the messages that came at us from the outside world and then from our inner world.  Often these voices are wounding lies and to be made whole we need to recognize the lie and begin to believe what’s true.
In our first conversation JS shares his own story, how he grew up feeling unwanted and unloved, he was told his birth was a mistake.  He shares his path to healing.  Then we talk about how to deal with messages that come at us from outside, like the media.  And how taking a balcony moment, getting away to a quiet place can help us discern what is really true. 
Next we talk about what a balcony moment might look like when the lies coming at us are in our own thoughts, in particular we talk about how to find freedom from self-condemnation.  Then to resolve conflict in our relationships we need safety, data, and direction.  Find out what this powerful tool is.  And finally we talk about finding our true voice.  In other words, becoming the person God has created us to be and boldly being that person in every room, every sphere in our lives.  It starts with finding our ultimate identity in being Abba’s child.