Next Episode: Who Jesus Really Is

Today on Perry and Shawna Mornings Jeff Manion, Lead Pastor at Ada Bible joins the team to talk about his book The Land Between—finding God in difficult transitions.  That’s where we find ourselves right now:  We’re not where we were, we’re not where we’re gonna be.  We’re in the middle, a desert really.  In the desert it’s easy to complain, but trusting God is the antidote for complaint.  And also we need desert to change us, to root out the bad and grow in us the good.  Then Jeff’s shares his story of losing his mom in a car accident when he was 12 and how God used that to shape in him a heart of empathy for hurting people.  These are the kinds of things God works in you and me in the land between. 
Next Jeff shares how he once was a grumbler and how gratitude has rewired his heart.  And gratitude for you and me can become the wind in our sails during the complete uncertainty of this worldwide pandemic.  Finally, this land between, the global pandemic is a chance for you and me to learn to trust God in the moment, to really believe from our core—“God you are and you will be enough!”