As Shawna was helping a friend feeling overwhelmed she advised “You need to establish healthy rhythms.” As soon as it came out of her mouth she realized, “I need healthy rhythms!”  Then she remembered a prompt for processing our feelings with God. Shawna vulnerably shares how walking through the prompt helped her trust God.

In 5th grade Perry stepped in to rescue a kid being bullied. And he got punched in the nose for it! Jesus stepped in for us and took the ultimate punch for you and me to rescue us forever!

Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest field.” We can both pray that prayer and be the answer to it!

If you're not sure you'll make it to paradise at your journey's end, you probably have a good dose of religion running through you. And the only remedy for that is the gospel.

Last, Dan Skoglund, Executive Director for the Muskegon Rescue Mission shares the ways God is transforming lives through MRM. Like Kris who came to the mission an alcoholic who’d lost his family and had nowhere to go. Hear his story of redemption!

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