When I (Shawna) sold fragrant candles I was told in a training session never to try to sell a fragrance I don’t like. “People know if you’re being fake”, I was told. In the book of Romans Paul tells us “Love must be sincere.” We talk about loving, and honoring one another with all sincerity, even when it’s hard to do.

When Jesus walked the earth many people recognized that he performed miracles and spoke with authorities. But those who knew him best knew that he often pulled away to be alone with the Father. Do you regularly pull away to be alone with the Father?

Imagine being impressed at a young age to serve God overseas…and that you come from a family of means.  You get to see the world as a young man and come back to get your education at a prestigious university.  You turn down great job opportunities to pursue your missionary dreams, but enroute to do so, you catch a fatal disease.  Was that life wasted?  It wasn’t for William Borden.

“Who am I?” And “Why am I here?”  In a children’s book called You Are Special, Max Lucado introduces us to someone who knows where to find the answer to both questions. Shawna shares the story and challenges us to be like her.

“I felt intimidated because of the qualifications to be a Deacon.” That’s how Ben felt when he was nominated to serve the church.  It didn’t take long for him to realize that he was already qualified to serve.

Our desires are gifts from God. What?! Yep, only when the enemy gets into the mix do our desires lead us away from God. What if we recognized that they are actually gifts from God meant to draw us to closer to Him?

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