He had spent a couple of hours walking the beach, enjoying God’s company, when he felt the need to head back to the condo. He felt the need to be “productive”. That’s when the Father told him, “No time with me is wasted.”

Dan Seaborn, is the founder of Winning at Home, a ministry providing speaking events, counseling, and life-giving resources to help families and marriages not only survive, but thrive.

In this episode Dan shares with Perry and Shawna on several topics: Coming to terms with not being a perfect dad, spending time with the Father throughout your day, our ability to be deceived by culture.

Also, our need to be in God’s Word to discern false teaching, the value of intergenerational relationships, and that the deeper we go with Jesus the more joyful we become.

Always a joy to have Dan Seaborn on the Perry and Shawna podcast. Share this with a friend and please subscribe!

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