Previous Episode: He'll Never Let Go

Today on Perry and Shawna Mornings we try to shatter the myth that the journey with Jesus is about being all put together.  No, it’s messy, hard, joyful, scary, and exhilarating.  First author Jared C Wilson talks about how the path to becoming like Jesus is for messed us people like him, and you and me.  Then worship leader Matt Redman shares that when we surrender to Jesus, he begins this purifying process in us that is sometimes painful but filled with grace from our Abba Father. 
Then Perry shares how he is like these guys in the bible—Judah, Moses, David, Peter, and Paul.  It’s about how he identifies with the sins of these guys and the good news for  great sinners.  Then, author Asheritah Ciuciu shares some of the messiness of her life—how her dad who was a pastor walked away from his faith and how Asherita is discovering that hope and pain co-exist.  Finally if the journey right now seems like you’re in a thick fog and you can’t see your hand in front of your face, Perry shares what faith looks like in the fog.  It’s real talk about what it really looks like to follow Jesus and the freedom that brings when we realize we don’t have to be super-Christians.