Aaron and his buddy were at a restaurant and asked the waitress, “Is there something we can pray for you about?” And she started to cry. Everybody is going through something. Be kind to everyone you meet.

Then, if you want to be a mature follower of Jesus, don’t run from suffering. When Perry thinks of a person who’s walked this out, he thinks of his son, Taylor.

Next, when you feel overwhelmed do you ever think you’re too much for God? That maybe your need is greater than his ability to provide? Moses felt that way too. God responded to Moses’ feeling of being overwhelmed, with a question.

To forgive the person who’s wounded you so deeply is so hard. Brandon Heath’s song, “I’m Not Who I Was,” is all about his journey to forgive his stepmom. It’s a conversation about the freedom and the painful cost of forgiving.

Then, Shawna shares a childhood memory of fear that she was going to get beat up. But somebody had her back. Knowing who’s behind us gives us holy swagger in life.

If you’re in a season of suffering you may be tempted to think, “God must be punishing me.” But what’s really going on is completely the opposite of that!

Last, do you ever have family drama? How do you handle that in a way that  honors God? Moses had some family drama and man, the way he handled it challenges us to be more like Moses and more like Jesus too.

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