Want to start the new year off by watching your money grow through investing?

Today's guest, Tony Greer, Founder of TG Macro & Editor of Morning Navigator, is here to help.

The culture at TG Macro™ is built on risk accountability and rigor. The Morning Navigator™ is a daily journal of global markets, music, historic inspiration, and American pop-culture

that will become the morning note you read FIRST.

Tony provides lots of great tips. Including, mistakes to avoid as well as great books to read to get started. Don't miss this great interview!

If you are ready to start investing, reach out to Tony through their website https://www.TGMacro.com/

Thank you for listening to another episode of the Perky Collar Radio Show!

Warmest Regards,
David M. Frankel
Perky Collar Inventor, Perky, LLC Founder, Perky Collar Radio Show Host, Commercial Real Estate Broker & Business Broker
www.PerkyLLC.com, www.BBOTC.net
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