Have you ever heard of Micro Grains? They are SUPER foods and so healthy for you. Today's interview is with Patrick Crowe, Founder of Crowes Grow and we discuss the benefits of adding Micro Grains into your diet and the incredible health benefits. Crowes Grows offers pea shoots, radish, corn, broccoli, sunflower, cilantro, dill, and amaranth in micro grain form. Not only is it better for you but the shelf life is around 3 weeks if stored in the veggie drawer of the refrigerator in an air-tight container with a paper towel to absorb the moisture. Tune in to this fascinating story of how and why Patrick got into Micro Grains and how they can benefit you.

To order and learn more visit his website www.CrowesGrow.com and follow on Instagram @CrowesGrow or e-mail him at [email protected]

Thank you for listening to another episode of the Perky Collar Radio Show.

Warmest Regards,

David M. Frankel

Perky Collar Inventor, Perky, LLC Founder, Perky Collar Radio Show Host, Commercial Real Estate Broker & Business Broker

www.PerkyLLC.com, www.BBOTC.net

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