Who will be the next major company to experience a data breach? Today's guest, Justin Beals, Co-Founder & CEO of Strike Graph makes sure the answer is not his clients. Justin mentions in this interview that over 70% of data breaches come from 3rd party vendors. Who is your company using? Where is your company vulnerable? Justin and I discuss these questions and much more. Tune in. 

Security Compliance is a MUST proactive approach not a REACTIVE approach. 

To learn more, visit their website www.StrikeGraph.com and you can also find Justin Beals on LinkedIn.

Thank you for listening to another episode of the Perky Collar Radio Show.

Warmest Regards,

David M. Frankel

Perky Collar Inventor, Perky, LLC Founder, Perky Collar Radio Show Host, Commercial Real Estate Broker & Business Broker

www.PerkyLLC.com, www.BBOTC.net

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