Want to host an AMAZING event? Wait, we are in a pandemic. Nevermind. Wait, have you ever considered a VIRTUAL Event? Just listen to today's guest, Corrine Statia Thomas, Founder of Absolute Events by Corrine, how to host an INCREDIBLE Virtual event. Virtual events have NO LIMITS. Guests can live anywhere. Speakers can be anywhere. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is to DREAM BIGGER!!!

Corrine has hosted a wide variety of events from weddings, to galas, to conferences, to team building, to book launches. She loves to take what is in your mind and make it into a production. In the interview, she discusses one of her proudest events that was held on Ellis Island. Logistically it was very difficult. Being an island with the majority of guests being 80-90 year-old Nuns, it had it's challenges. The fundraiser was for a Catholic Hospital and despite all of the difficulties, the event was a huge success, raising more money than their goal. 

Tune in to listen to Corrine. Learn how she has adapted to the pandemic and has hosted SO MANY SUCCESSFUL Virtual Events for her clients. To book Corrine call 201-327-1000 or visit her website AbsoluteEventsByCorrine.com

Thank you for listening to another episode of the Perky Collar Radio Show.

Warmest Regards,

David M. Frankel

Perky Collar Inventor, Perky, LLC Founder & Perky Collar Radio Show Host, Commercial Real Estate Broker & Business Broker


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