Welcome back to the With Ross Podcast! In this episode, "Looking Forward to 2024," Ross delves into his predictions for the coming year. He starts off by discussing the futility of making predictions, highlighting the often inaccurate nature of expert forecasts. Ross then reflects on the optimism bias he brings to his predictions, rooted in his fortunate upbringing and positive outlook on the future. He foresees significant advancements in technology, such as the integration of AI into various industries, the rise of mixed reality devices, and the potential for a new political landscape in the United States. Join us as we explore Ross's thought-provoking predictions for 2024 and contemplate the exciting changes ahead.

00:00 Born before Soviet fall, grateful for fortunate life, global progress.

05:30 Social media and smartphones will be viewed like smoking in the past. Future technology will likely be less addictive.

06:51 Summary: List of contrarian and surprising predictions for investment decisions and career choices.

11:35 New jobs will be created, online money-making opportunities will increase, and unemployment rates are predicted to drop even further.

15:09 Apple to introduce mixed reality device, expected to be a major leap. Other companies to follow.

16:53 Predicts Donald Trump wins election, Twitter's uncertain future.

19:03 AI augments everything for future humans around age 20-27.

predictions, Christmas, 2023, January 1st, 2024, precision, mark Twain, experts, economists, recession, newspaper articles, inventions, automobile, airplane, personal computer, Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Schiff, Ray Dalio, biases, precedent bias, expertise bias, personal bias, optimism bias, technology, AI, unemployment, figure company, apple vision pro, mixed reality device, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Twitter, war in Ukraine, war in Israel, urban warfare

Primary Topic: Predictions

- Ross's thoughts on the usefulness of predictions

- Human biases in making predictions

- Ross's personal bias and perspective on optimism

- Ross's view on the progression of the world throughout history

- The impact of rapid change and the challenges of adaptability

- The shift in the leading causes of death and contemporary societal issues

- Ross's prediction on the future of social media and technology

- The value of public predictions and its impact on decision-making

- Ross's approach to making predictions and the limitations of experts

Primary Topic: Technology and Business Predictions

- Predictions on the impact of AI on employment and job types

- Speculation on the release and impact of OpenAI's Chatty GPT 5

- Predictions on the advancement of AI models and individual businesses

- Speculation on the release and success of the Apple Vision Pro

- Ross's prediction regarding the future of smartphones and mixed reality devices

- Speculation on the political and economic implications of these technological advancements

Primary Topic: World Events and Geopolitical Predictions

- Predictions on the war in Ukraine and the potential outcome for President Zelensky

- Speculations on the future of the war in Israel

- Ross's predictions on the stability and potential resolutions for Twitter

- The potential impact of these global events on the overall geopolitical landscape

Primary Topic: Reflection and Humility

- The acknowledgment of potential inaccuracy in the predictions made

- The recognition of the impending and significant future changes in various aspects of life

- The inevitability of AI's influence in future human experiences


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