In this episode, Charlotte gets caught up in the burgeoning anarch movement happening in Chicago and must decide if she will become a vampire before Sheriff Balthazar and his Archon, Grady, break into the room, more than likely killing her (as she's the only human around).

Sunshine gets invited aboard The Spirit of Chicago (a yacht on Lake Michigan) for a high roller game of Black Jack by the mysteriously dark beauty, Isabella Giovanni. To her horror, she finds out what has happened to her mother and her brother as she is trapped onboard with no one, but two powerful vampires, caught between their rivalries.

Vampire the Masquerade (20th Anniversary)-

Storyteller: Kristy Cutsforth

Kerry Cutsforth- Johnny Graves
Slater- James Shannon
Sandra- Valerie Mazzone
Sunshine- Karley Wahl
Charlotte- Brenna Young
Attila- Rob Grindle
Ramrod- Cody Young

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