This is our dramatic finale to our Case of the Satanic Panic, which uses Bubblegumshoe, a Teen Sleuth Mystery Role Playing Game. The game system is based on Robin Law's Gumshoe and was adapted for the teen noir/mystery genre by Emily Care Boss and Kenneth Hite. This genre covers everything from Scooby Doo to It by Stephen King so there's something for everyone!

In this episode, the gang finally gains access to Theda's backpack after winning the social throwdown with Paris. They also discover who (or what) is responsible for Theda's disappearance after pouring through Theda's diary and consulting Betty Day, the town psychic for more information. Will Keaton be able to declare his love for Theda, or is it to late to save their friend? LIsten to find out on the finale of The Case of the Satanic Panic!

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Music and Sound Effects:

Intro: "We are Detective" by Thompson Twins (No copyright infringement intended, please go buy their music!)

Outro: "Lay Your Hands On Me" by Thompson Twins (No copyright infringement intended, please go buy their music!)

There is Romance Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Ghostpocalypse - 5 Apotheosis Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Ghostpocalypse - 4 Temptress Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Ghostly Sigh:

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