This week's storytellers are Jason Canapp, grandson of the late magician Earl Canapp, Rudy Coby, and Shawn McMaster.

In this episode you'll hear stories that share a common theme of "Close Calls."

A young magician recalls assisting his grandfather on stage during a show after a mishap of getting there, a performer is almost buried alive in a large stage prop, and a very close call occures involving some irreplacable photographs of a legendary magician known as The Professor.

The first storyteller Jason Canapp, a live cohost and content creator in the Disney Parks fan space. More importantly for this story, he is the grandson to the late magician Earl Canapp who enjoyed a nice performing career up and around the Baltimore area. In his story, Jason reminisces about a time he assisted his grandfather during a show, and what it took to get there.

The second story comes from Rudy Coby AKA Lab Man. You may have seen his ultra unique act on TV with him walking around on stage with four legs, or if you've been to a Marilyn Manson show, you've seen his work there as well, as Rudy designed all the special effects. In his story, he talks about how he almost got buried alive during the filming of one of his TV specials.

The final story is told by Shawn McMaster, a magician who's unequaled blend of sophisticated magic and hilarious comedy has made him a highly sought-after act all over the world. His ability to blend the astonishing with the absurd has delighted countless audiences both here and abroad. Here he is telling about a very close call involving some one-of-a-kind and irreplacable photos or a legendary magician known as The Professor.

Here's where you can find out more about this week's storytellers. 

Jason Canapp 

Rudy Coby - Magician 

Shawn McMaster - Magician 

Do you have comments, suggestions, or want to share your own stories? Drop me a line! [email protected]

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