This Week: Comedian Jim Florentine travels to the town of Perfectville to discuss his Dol-Fandom, life on the road as a stand-up comedian and remembering some of the most brutal losses and missteps that Miami has had. He also discusses how his son is keeping the family tradition of being a “Dolfan” alive, how his […]

This Week:

Comedian Jim Florentine travels to the town of Perfectville to discuss his Dol-Fandom, life on the road as a stand-up comedian and remembering some of the most brutal losses and missteps that Miami has had. He also discusses how his son is keeping the family tradition of being a “Dolfan” alive, how his brother helped him at a strip club after a devastating playoff loss to the Chargers, and why Cody Parkey is the best kicker in Dolphins history.

Jim Florentine is a stand-up comedian, TV host, actor, podcaster and voice artist. He is best known for co-hosting VH1 Classic’s heavy metal talk show series “That Metal Show” that ran from 2008-2015. Jim is also known for his work on Comedy Central’s show “Crank Yankers” where he performed the voice of Special Ed and Bobby Fletcher. Recently, Jim Florentine has appeared in the hit movie “Trainwreck ” and on the critically acclaimed TV series “Inside Amy Schumer”, as well as “Louie” on FX. He was submitted for an Emmy for best supporting actor for his role of Kenny on Louie.

In 2011 Jim launched his weekly Podcast called Comedy, Metal, Midgets. It is one of the most popular comedy Podcasts out there constantly landing in the top 20 every week. You can listen and subscribe for free here. iTunes

In 2016, he released two comedy specials, “I’m Your Savior” was a critically acclaimed one-man show about his life and the death of his ex-girlfriend. His second special released the same year, “A Simple Man” debuted at number 1 on the comedy charts.

In 2017, Florentine has a brand new book coming out with publisher DA CAPO PRESS and also another comedy special.

Additionally, Sam and Chris flip the script and discuss what they are thankful for, after a week of exclaiming everything that they hate.

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