This Episode:
Automation is everywhere in our lives these days. I wanted to talk about how I feel this is making us lazy and shed a little light on the automation we use every day that people tend to forget about.

Basic Show Description:
DullOxide chatting(usually while a little tipsy) about random subjects(Mostly Nerdy Stuff) for about 10 minutes each show! Rambling on subjects from Cosplay to Technology and giving you 10 minutes Perfectly Wasted!

Segment 1 - Automation.
@0:18 - Pretty much everything is automated...
@1:08 - Automated teller machine.
@2:00 - Operators?
@2:42 - Automated payments.
@3:08 - They don't want you to use cash.
@3:44 - Subscriptions.
@4:57 - The reason we automate.
@5:35 - We don't do math.
@5:57 - To trusting of a machine.
@6:53 - Still controlled by you.
@7:40 - Make it much easier.
@8:11 - Most people don't even think about it.
@9:03 - Automation is a fantastic thing but...
@9:50 - Tell me what your favorite kind of automation is!

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