This Episode:
I talk about the recent Pokemon Go Fest event! I explain the issues I had with the event overall and how I hope these events are run better in the future!

Basic Show Description:
DullOxide chatting(usually while a little tipsy) about random subjects(Mostly Nerdy Stuff) for about 10 minutes each show! Rambling on subjects from Cosplay to Technology and giving you 10 minutes Perfectly Wasted!

Segment 1 - Pokemon Go Event
@0:30 - Pretty into Pokemon Go.
@0:55 - Only one city :(
@1:50 - Ensure coverage...
@2:30 - Lacking event information.
@3:12 - Where was the world event/reward?
@4:10 - Not super excited for future events.
@4:30 - If they can't support one city how can they do the world?
@5:03 - So many disappointments,
@5:45 - Hinted at rare Pokemon for the event.
@6:35 - Spoofers with regionals still have them and we don't.
@7:00 - Everyone has different ideas of what cheating is.
@7:48 - Hope the world event is not messed up.
@8:49 - A little more info would be helpful.
@9:44 - People were let down :(.
@10:00- Really like the game still!

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