Today’s episode is a little different. Today, Jason is going to be answering all YOUR questions about everything business and marketing.

If you missed the first episode last week, “Ask Jason” is a new weekly segment where Jason Portnoy himself answers the questions his listeners send in. This week, we’re diving into everything from networking, ad testing, expanding into new markets, and even a little of Jason’s nerdy side.

Trust us, you won’t want to miss this one. And if you’re looking to get some answers of your own, just send in your questions and we might just feature them in our next episode!

Topics Covered:

What do I tell my client when they press me for a price without telling me their budget? [1:47]Are Tiktok ads performing well right now, similar to Facebook ads? [5:37]Superman or Batman? [8:42]How do I target certain people on Facebook if there’s no interest category for them? [11:45]Tea versus Coffee [15:50]How do you get big-name guests on your podcast, and how do I do the same? [18:08]How do I know when to turn off an ad if it doesn’t look like it’s working? [24:25]Can you provide marketing guidance for a small tech startup with limited financial resources to open a new geographical market? [26:57]You are always saying that Facebook is a mess, but it’s the best ads platform out there. How can it be both? [30:16]Starting my entrepreneurial adventures. What book do you think I should read first? [33:01]I want to do a video show, but I hate how I look on camera. What advice do you have? [38:16]What tool or software do you use that you couldn’t live without right now? [42:58]Need help prioritizing my time, my calendar is a mess. Any tips? [45:57]

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