Setting up a business for profitability, scalability, and success is a challenge all entrepreneurs face—and not just startups.

The problem with these is that they cover a wide array of issues, from marketing all the way to the lead conversion process. Some of these issues are fundamental while others are more technical and specialized, which means there’s no one solution to any of them.

For sure, there’s a lot to unpack, unlearn, and rediscover. But if you keep an open mind for the right strategies and practices, you’ll be able to find your bearings sooner than you think.

In this pilot episode of The Perfectly Mentored Podcast weekly Q&A Show, Jason answers the first batch of burning questions submitted by his listeners about everything scaling, growing, and marketing.

Topics Covered:

“What’s a good budget for daily spend on ads?” [1:37]“How do I figure out why my site isn’t converting as high as it should be?” [4:51]“How do I convince my clients to go on to TikTok?” [7:34]“How do I test the market for my new product?”[10:55]“What’s your advice for business owners with a limited ad budget?” [12:22]“What type of boss are you?” [17:22]“How do I market my shop?” [20:57]

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