The Podcasting Obstacle Nobody Talks About

I have some exciting news. While I can't go into too much detail just yet, I have been developing a new podcast - and it was during this process that I realized what stops so many podcasters from "taking the plunge." I think.

Essentially it is the fact that the plunge is so HUGE! What if you buy the equipment, get your artwork produced, get hosting set up, get everything in place - and THEN find out that this whole podcasting thing isn't what you thought?  That's scary! And expensive.

So in this podcast I discuss the development process that begins long before you spend a dime on anything. People seem to have this belief that you just "start podcasting." But no  great podcast just happens. It needs time to develop - to percolate and to evolve. If  you want to start a podcast, you can get a lot of that development process done before you buy anything - in fact you should.

So in this podcast I discuss how to get your podcast to take on a life of its own and grow and develop FIRST. That way you feel comfortable that you are on the right track before you have to whip out your credit card and start making purchases.

If you have been hesitant to "take the plunge" listen up. You can do a lot first so that the plunge is small - and it won't feel like you are diving off a cliff.

I hope you find this enlightening!

BTW, in this podcast you hear me refer to my radio show, "Something You Should Know,"  which you can hear at  


The Podcasting Obstacle Nobody Talks About

I have some exciting news. While I can’t go into too much detail just yet, I have been developing a new podcast – and it was during this process that I realized what stops so many podcasters from “taking the plunge.” I think.

Essentially it is the fact that the plunge is so HUGE! What if you buy the equipment, get your artwork produced, get hosting set up, get everything in place – and THEN find out that this whole podcasting thing isn’t what you thought?  That’s scary! And expensive.

So in this podcast I discuss the development process that begins long before you spend a dime on anything. People seem to have this belief that you just “start podcasting.” But no  great podcast just happens. It needs time to develop – to percolate and to evolve. If  you want to start a podcast, you can get a lot of that development process done before you buy anything – in fact you should.

So in this podcast I discuss how to get your podcast to take on a life of its own and grow and develop FIRST. That way you feel comfortable that you are on the right track before you have to whip out your credit card and start making purchases.

If you have been hesitant to “take the plunge” listen up. You can do a lot first so that the plunge is small – and it won’t feel like you are diving off a cliff.

I hope you find this enlightening!

BTW, in this podcast you hear me refer to my radio show, “Something You Should Know,”  which you can hear at