Sinclair Kennally joins Sachin today for an in-depth course on how to detox from EMF. This conversation is filled with information and suggestions for lowering your EMF exposure and improving your health!


Key Takeaways:

[1:02] Sachin is excited about his special guest, toxicity expert, Sinclair Kennally. He takes a moment to introduce Sinclair and invites Sinclair to tell how she got into toxicity and EMF.


[3:28] Sinclair had suffered chronic illness for much of her life. In her mid-twenties, she and her partner, Michael, moved in together and they both suffered a health crash within months. She later realized that the router they had hidden under the bed had interfered with their sleep. You really need to protect your sleep.


[6:37] Sachin talks about a sensor Sinclair sent him that revealed EMF toxicity in his home.


[8:14] There are several types of EMFs: Wireless radiation from Wi-Fi routers and cell phones, dirty electricity; and A/C fields measured as the voltage on your body. Measure for all types of EMF distress in the home wherever you spend the most time.


[11:36] Look at your eating areas. In a high-EMF environment, you cannot enter parasympathetic dominance states, for the rest-digest-repair mode. If you have digestive issues or you work with clients or patients with digestive issues, take note. EMF mitigation can be the key to making all of your protocols far more effective.

[12:29] Sachin reveals an unexpected source of EMF in his bedroom.


[14:20] Sinclair and Michael had been working unsuccessfully on their health for years. When Michael threw out their router. even the cats stopped fighting and acted healthier. Michael had been very anxious at work. The dirty electricity in his office measured very high. Plug-in filters brought the dirty electricity down, along with staff sick days and contention.

[18:20] Each EMF type affects 100% of the population. Thirty percent of us experience visible, measurable symptoms. Five percent of the population is considered electro-hypersensitive. Sachin shares a story about a child with a router under the bed. Removing the router improved the child’s behavior significantly. Children and pets don’t suppress how they feel.


[22:24] Things you can do right now to lower your EMF exposure at home:

Make sure you are not exposed to unnecessary stimulation while you are trying to sleep; use a lamp timer to turn off your router at night. The farther away you are from your router during the day, the better. Unplug anything unnecessary in your bedroom to limit dirty electricity. Get rid of metal bedframes, which raise your body’s electricity.


[24:09] Sinclair tells of a patient struggling with a variety of health issues and how body voltage and dirty electricity played a role in her problems.


[25:30] Sinclair lists a variety of catastrophic conditions and symptoms linked to the home, including fertility issues. Why don’t we hear more about this on the news? EMFs are measurable and fixable.


[29:01] Sinclair is on a mission to help practitioners and people working on their health to be completely empowered in their own lives. She has taken mitigation measures in her home to keep her family safe and healthy even while using technology.


[30:19] How to get meters for your home investigation.

[30:41] Sinclair invites the audience to get on the waitlist for her Rapid EMF Reset class in November. Start mitigating today by unplugging everything in your bedroom. The trajectory of your life could change from that, alone. Do an audit of your home.

[32:28] Does SafeSleeve work? If you don’t have your phone on airplane mode, it is blasting you. Have shielding between your body and the device. Sinclair takes every phone call that she can through the computer to limit radiation. If you have to use your cell phone, holding the phone at arm’s length lowers exposure dramatically. Use the speaker and shielding.


[35:17] Sinclair gives her thoughts about putting your phone in a Faraday bag. Silver thread fabric bags dampen the signal.

[36:20] There is a law in China requiring women who are pregnant to wear RF-protective clothing.

[37:48] The Russian government helped develop the dirty electricity meter to help their citizens lower their risk from EMF exposure.


[38:26] Sachin thanks Sinclair for sharing her knowledge and signs off until next time.


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live
Dave Chappelle: When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
Dr. Ben Lynch

Signs film

Environmental Health Trust

Stetzer Electricity

Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter


Link to Sinclair Kennally’s Rapid EMF CLass waitlist:


More about your host Sachin Patel

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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done


More about today’s guest

Sinclair Kennally




“You really need to protect your sleep. … Priority number one is understanding the three different types of EMFs that affect you the most, and protecting your sleep so that your body can heal.” — Sinclair Kennally


“In a high-EMF environment, you cannot enter parasympathetic dominance states.” — Sinclair Kennally


“This stuff travels through walls, guys. Those are not barriers. Barriers are Faraday cages and shielding specifically designed to stop frequencies in their tracks.” — Sinclair Kennally


“The more we live on our devices, the harder it is to show up and be present with people. We actually lose those skills.” — Sinclair Kennally


“This is not an edgy topic; we just don’t get to hear about it on the news because Big Telecom is actually five to six times more powerful in political lobbying, at least in the United States, than Big Pharma is.” — Sinclair Kennally


“We’re on a mission to help practitioners and to help people working on their health to be completely empowered in their own lives. … I’m not expecting you to move to the woods and live in the dark on leaves. … I live in a city right up against other people.” — Sinclair Kennally

“If you have to keep your phone on, please don’t put it on your body, but if you’re going to put it on your body, please use the shielding between your body and the phone.” — Sinclair Kennally