In this episode, Sachin emphasizes how the abundance mindset works to attract and create abundance in your life, relationships, and businesses. An abundance mindset is key to your happiness and success. Listen in for tips on getting rid of scarcity and negativity and dwelling in joyful abundance.


Key Takeaways:

[1:02] Sachin introduces the topic for today, the abundance mindset. This is one of the most important mindsets to adopt and is crucial and key to your success and happiness and the legacy that you leave behind. Everyone around you, including your kids, is paying attention to your mindset, whether you express abundance or scarcity.


[1:40] Sachin has 14 rules to follow when it comes to abundance. He asks you to pick one, then two, and work your way up to all 14. He promises you will have plenty of opportunities every day to implement all 14 rules. Write them down and be more conscious of whether you are abundant in your thoughts, actions, behaviors, and in your reflection.


[2:17] There is always opportunity for us to find abundance and Sachin has learned that you always find what you’re looking for. So if we seek abundance, we become abundance, we embrace abundance, and we act abundantly, then abundance flows in our direction. Our actions act like an antenna to attract the right people and circumstances into our lives.


[3:00] 1. The difference between an extractor and a multiplier. A multiplier takes an idea and multiplies its value. This is like juicing an orange and planting the seeds. If we carefully pluck the idea from a conversation, we can plant a seed and grow it. An extractor has a scarcity mindset. They try to extract every drop of juice but miss the seed. They are always disappointed.


[5:38] 2. The quantum handshake. Think about how you show up to greet and connect with people. Use what’s culturally appropriate for them and your relationship with the person. Sachin describes handshakes and greetings from Level 0 (dead fish) to Level 3 (firm handshake, left hand on the shoulder, with a compliment). Or give a heart-to-heart hug with a compliment.


[10:06]  3. Leave people and places better than you found them. Clean up after yourself at a restaurant. Clean up your room at a hotel. Make other people’s jobs easier and make them feel appreciated. In a hotel room, leave a generous tip and a thank you note. How would an abundant person act in a situation? They leave people and places better than they found them.


[11:51] 4. Stop playing victim. It’s hard to play victim and have an abundance outlook on life and an abundance of opportunities coming your way. Abundance runs away from victims. Victims never take ownership of what’s happening in their life. As a result of playing victim, energy and abundance do not flow their way.


[13:29] 5. Trust the journey. Sachin’s sister-in-law had a saying, “Everything works out in the end. And if it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end.” It’s rare when everything goes as planned although we might achieve the outcome. Part of life is trusting the journey. The universe, which is abundant by design, has a plan for you.


[14:49]  6. Never show up empty-handed. Bring a gift when you visit someone’s house, especially for the first time. If you’re car-pooling, show up with snacks. Pay for gas. It says a lot about you when you show up with an abundance mindset. Sachin loves bringing artwork, that will be part of their lives forever.


[16:24] 7. Empty your cup. If our cup is full, there’s no room for creamer. Every day we have to empty our cups a little bit so that others can pour into us; the universe can pour into us. Part of that is having humility.


[17:01] 8. Create a vacuum. Emptying your cup ties into creating a vacuum. Create a vacuum of opportunity so energy comes your way. Clear up your calendar so that you have room for opportunity. Clean up your closet if you want new clothes to flow in your direction. You have to create some lack for abundance to flow your way. The universe hates vacuums.


[17:53] 9. Always send a follow-up. When you interact or engage with somebody, send a follow-up message. Take a picture with them as a reminder in your photo album to follow up with a text message and check in with them. If you’re thinking about that person, check in with them. Maintain relationships. You never know when you can help that person or they might help you.


[19:04] 10. Genuinely be supportive. Supporting can be sharing a post or making a referral or an introduction for that person. Sometimes it could be commenting on their social media and giving them an endorsement or writing them a review. Be genuinely supportive of businesses you patronize, entrepreneurs you might know, and your friends and family members.


[19:51] 11. Send them a thank you gift or note. Thank you emails often get lost. Send a text, a voice note, or best of all, send a hand-written card or thoughtful gift. Something like that can go a remarkably long way. There are send-out services you can use to send a note with a gift.


[20:46] 12. Eliminate all the moaners and groaners. Get rid of the Negative Nellies and Nelsons. You don’t have to unfriend them but unfollow them. If somebody continually triggers you and takes you out of an abundance mindset, you don’t want to see their posts. You can still remain friends. Clean your feed. Abundance loves company. Mirror people with abundance mindsets.


[22:28] 13. Be unusually happy and blissful. When you have a smile on your face, the chemistry in your body completely changes. When you start showing up happy and blissful, it gets people’s attention. Pay attention to your energy and how you’re showing up.


[23:14] 14. Leave a tip. Be generous with how you acknowledge people. It doesn’t have to be exorbitant, but be generous. “Tip fatigue” is for people who have scarcity mindsets. When you give, there’s always more. Sachin’s mentor Majeed taught him, “It’s just money.” Money is energy. It’s a representation of how we show up energetically.


[24:28] Sachin hopes these tips are helpful for you. He hopes there is one thing in there that you can identify as a way to show up to be more abundant. He hopes that this gives you an opportunity to be reflective and also to take action. It’s not thinking about abundance that counts, but it’s the action steps that you put into place that truly matter.


[24:50] Sachin would love to hear how you apply this framework and what you found to be most impactful and beneficial, and how, over the next few weeks and months, how being more abundant in your life has created more abundance for you. Sachin sends you lots of love and gratitude and wishes you abundance, health, and happiness.


Mentioned in this episode

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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community, and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done