Today, Sachin presents a solo episode focusing on your practice marketing success. Take one, two, or three of these ideas, to share your message and expand your reach in 2023.


Key Takeaways:

[1:03] Sachin introduces the theme: 23 things you can do to uplevel your practice, reach more people, have a bigger impact, and make the world healthy, happy, and whole through the outstanding work that you do. Sachin assumes you do meaningful work and you’re passionate about helping people but you struggle to help more people learn about the work you do.


[1:29] No matter how many people you help, you’re always going to feel that way. You’re always reaching for the carrot dangling in front of you. If you’re looking for more ways to help people and looking to make this year more impactful, and you want to make the world, healthy, happy, and whole, then this episode may be helpful for you.


[1:51] Sachin will unpack 23 things, but he wants you to know that these things can be unpacked even further and there is a lot more to each of them. Sachin hopes you will find and take action on one to three of these things that excite you and help you to feel you are getting things done.


[2:27] Find something in your “zone of genius” that allows you to feel like you’re making a difference in people’s lives. Marketing is storytelling; it starts with the story that we tell ourselves before we start telling our story to others. If you struggle with that, Sachin invites you to listen to “Mindset Mastery,” Episode 42 of Perfect Practice, about breaking down limiting beliefs.


[3:10] Of Sachin’s 23 topics, the one that is most important for you to focus on is the one that resonates with you.


[3:25] 1. Have a website that is easy to navigate, that explains what you do, who you are for, how you solve the problem that the client wants to be solved and that you help people in a different way than what they’ve tried before. It should be easy on the eyes and mobile-friendly, and easy to schedule from. It should speak for you. It should have a pixel. Google it.


[5:16] 2. Use social media to share information about your practice, including updates to your services, new programs you launch, testimonials, case studies, educational content, and the life you live as functional medicine practitioners and health coaches. Introduce people to the way you look at the world.


[5:55] 3. Write articles or blog posts about what you do. Blog posts can be great for backlinks, education, and positioning you as an authority. You never know what can come from a great blog post or article you’ve written and who might see it, and what opportunities may open up for you, If you like writing, blogs can be a great way to express yourself. They can go viral, as well.


[6:31] 4. Offer educational workshops, in person or online, about what you do and what problem you solve, and whom you solve it for. You’ll want a punchy title that hooks people in and helps them understand the problem that you solve and how you solve it. Webinars and workshops are great ways to educate people and build trust, share case studies, and offer a discovery call.


[7:12] 5. Partner with other healthcare practitioners such as chiropractors, naturopaths, medical doctors, massage therapists, and personal trainers; there could be plenty of people that you could connect with in your region that can be great referral partners. Do a Google search for the best chiropractor in your town. Email them an offer to meet for coffee and discuss referrals.


[9:52] 6. Attend local health fairs and events to meet potential patients and promote your practice. Having a booth or table at these events gives you exposure to a local audience. You can have a raffle to give away some great prizes. Sachin has had great success at health fairs with a five-pound challenge. You can also sponsor these events to get a lot of exposure.


[11:16] 7. Run targeted ads on social media in your area. You can target people who have a certain demographic or meet certain criteria in your local region. Your ad can say “Local functional medicine practitioner…” or “Functional medicine practitioner in ____ City…” That could be a great way to hook people in.


[12:02] 8. Use email marketing to stay in touch with people. The fortune is in the follow-up. About 90% of people buy after 90 days. If you don’t have a retargeting or nurturing email strategy, most people are going to forget you or go to someone else whom they might perceive as caring more than you do.


[12:49] 9. Connect with other businesses you can collaborate with such as fitness studios, yoga studios, and health food stores. If someone’s seeing a personal trainer, chances are they’re interested in personal wellness. You should be known at your local health food store. Be their number one referrer and buy products there. Offer to do a workshop there.


[15:04] 10. Offer discounts or promotions, such as a free discovery call, to attract new patients.


[16:03] 11. Use online directories and review sites to promote your practice and encourage patients to leave reviews on online directories and review sites, such as Yelp! Tell happy clients how helpful reviews are in helping others learn about your practice.


[16:57] 12. Create a referral program to encourage current patients to refer their friends and family to your practice. As always, follow the rules and laws of your state for your scope of practice.


[17:19] 13. Attend local networking events. Sachin attended BNI for many years and joined the local Chamber of Commerce. It’s a great way to meet other professionals, build networking skills, and have a “givers gain” attitude. People attending these meetings have reached some level of success in their business and they’re willing to support up-and-coming businesses.


[18:13] 14. Use online marketing tools such as SEO to improve your website’s visibility in search results. If you’re not using SEO, Sachin encourages you to evaluate that. It could be a hidden opportunity awaiting you,


[18:35] 15. Create promotional materials, such as brochures and flyers. These can be digital flyers, as well. Promotional materials can help people understand what you do. Using, an infographic is an excellent way to be able to depict the services you offer and how you offer those services, and how they are better and different from what else is out there.


[19:00] 16. Host a “Meet the Practitioner” event. You can host an “Ask Me Anything” event. You can have an open house event to introduce yourself and your practice to your community, where people get to learn a little bit more about you and what you offer people, and how you are a positive influence on your community’s health and wellness.


[19:28] 17. Offer free health assessments or consultations to potential patients. Sachin does free or low-cost discovery calls all the time. It helps in getting new patients onboarded.


[19:53] 18. Use patient testimonials and success stories on your website and on social media to demonstrate the effectiveness of your programs. Use social media as a powerful agent to communicate case studies, success stories, and testimonials from patients in your practice.


[20:13] 19. People value telemedicine services as a great way to save time, energy, money, gas, transportation, time off work, etc. Make sure people know that you work with people remotely.


[20:59] 20. Partner with local gyms or wellness centers to offer functional medicine services. They7 may not offer the services that you do. Do a workshop there.


[21:33] 21. Use paid advertising. Print ads, online ads, banners, and billboards, can be great for promoting your practice. Never discount the impact that direct print marketing can have, even sending cards in the mail. It makes you more real to people when they see you in multiple locations and formats.


[22:07] 22. Create a loyalty program to reward and retain your current patients. How can you gamify the results that your clients are getting? Give them points for milestones achieved. Points add up to free products or services that you offer them, creating a gamification process. Clients love to be celebrated and they may not be receiving enough celebration in their lives.


[22:59] 23. Speak at local events or conferences to raise awareness about function medicine. Look on Eventbrite for local events. Join your Chamber of Commerce and see what events are happening. There are lots of opportunities in your local community and most cities for you to be able to speak and share what you do. We have a unique perspective on health and wellness.


[23:49] There’s a lot to unpack in each one of these. Find one that works for you. Start where you are and then keep growing, keep evolving, and keep spreading your message. Sachin hopes this helps you attain that next level of growth that you’re looking for. Here’s to an amazing 2023!


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live

“Mindset Mastery” Episode 42 of Perfect Practice


More about your host Sachin Patel

How to speak with Sachin

Go one step further and Become The Living Proof

Perfect Practice Live

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To set up a practice clarity call and opportunity audit


Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community, and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done