In today’s podcast episode, we’re doing something totally different. My dear friend, Elaine Glass, joined us in our mentorship call and we talked about getting quiet. We did something different from what we normally do and we asked all of our audience members and mentorship clients to tune in while in nature, on their headphones, with no cameras, and no chat, and allow themselves to reflect inward. During this conversation, my camera was off, Elaine’s camera was off, and I had my eyes closed for most of the conversation so that I could go a little bit deeper, be less distracted, be more focused, and be much more present. It was such a profound experience for me, I almost want to do all my meetings with my camera off and my eyes closed because I felt it was so much more powerful for me and I got a lot out of it.

So what I decided to do is share this very special moment with you, our podcast listeners, with all of you out there who are trying to biome the best version of you, who are trying to listen to the voice that is inside every one of us. To do that requires a certain level of quiet. There is so much noise in our world and so many distractions. With this episode, I’m going to invite you to do the very same: put on your headphones, lay down in bed if you need to, spend some time in nature, sit back, relax, get quiet, and pay attention to the dialog and the conversation. Be present, and in the words of Ram Das, “Be Here Now.” Enjoy this episode.


Key Takeaways:

[1:03] Sachin welcomes listeners to a special episode of Perfect Practice. This episode was done with Elaine Glass and a mentorship audience tuning in while in nature, with no cameras and no chat. Sachin had his eyes closed for most of the conversation so he could go deeper with less distraction and more focus. He invites you to do the same.


[4:58] Sachin invites his dear friend, Elaine Glass, to the digital virtual stage of the mentorship call. Sachin tells how he and Elaine met through Michael Fishman, Founder of Consumer Health Summit (CHS). Elaine helps create the energy at CHS.


[6:07] Elaine is the author of Get Quiet: A Woman’s Simple Path to Knowing Who You Are, Loving it, and Living It.This episode applies to males and females. When we are constantly being distracted, being able to focus and get quiet is a superpower that we must work on developing. Elaine shares the wisdom she gained in overcoming obstacles and challenges.


[7:41] Elaine was in dentistry for 27 years. She transitioned into being a sage and guide to help people connect with their souls. At that time a friend asked her what she had learned after all those dental patients and getting to know their lives. It came to her that people just need to get quiet. She also needed to get quiet. It has been a decade-long journey developing a method.


[9:21] Sachin talks about the importance of practicing getting quiet.


[10:20] Elaine calls her dental office job her life class. She learned about the human condition and the mental/emotional connection to the physical and she started to connect the dots in her life. She had been struggling with autoimmune disorders, a very difficult marriage, and two small children.


[11:09] She transitioned out of the marriage and became a single mom. This brought up fear. When we are afraid, we speed up. That was a problem. The noise in her life got a grasp on her. She asked herself how she could lessen the fear. She realized she wanted to help people with their lives more than with the health of their teeth. She transitioned into being a guide.


[12:15] There was a lot of uncertainty and a lot of struggle with creating a platform, being an entrepreneur, and betting on herself. She went to conferences. She experienced financial struggles. There were a lot of obstacles to creating a new identity. The more she saw her problems the more she was afraid. She started to slow down, and relax into her brilliance.


[14:01] Being quiet comes when you are afraid to express yourself. Getting quiet is about those moments when you connect to a greater energy for strength, solutions, and answers. It’s when you access the greatness within yourself, even if it looks crazy to others. When we get quiet, we access spectacular things and begin to know who we truly are.


[15:50] Sachin recalls a conversation with his four-year-old son, who was thinking about “nothing.” At first, Sachin was triggered, thinking his son was deflecting the question. Then he realized his son was not focused on any thought, he was just being fully present in the world around him.


[17:18] The skill of getting quiet starts with honoring your life at the greatest and deepest level. It’s about what Sachin’s son was doing, being present. The greatest gift Elaine gives to herself and the world is to sit still and be present in her presence. She sees leisure as a valid human activity. This is contrary to most people’s upbringing, which leads to burnout.


[19:31] Getting quiet is about waking up to the life that you’re living now, honoring your life, and trusting the voice you hear, admitting where you are, feeling that deeply, because nothing can transform unless you deeply feel. That’s when you engage inldifferently. Those are the steps Elaine began to take early on.


[20:30] Sachin and Elaine discuss Vipassanā retreats. On one of these 10-day silent retreats, you are completely disconnected from the outer world and you go inwards. While a 10-day disconnection is extreme, you can practice it in micro ways in daily life.


[21:49] Elaine outlines her daily method to get quiet. It begins with your breath. Get back to a natural condition wherever possible. Connect with the breath of nature, the universe, a higher power, or God, matching your breath with that energy.


[23:07] Elaine uses a labyrinth (not a maze) with a certain pathway where you walk to the center and then walk out. Start at the mouth of the labyrinth. The center of the labyrinth is your soul. Getting there puts you in a state of tremendous self-love. Elaine talks about guidance to know what to do on the path.


[25:14] When you get to the center and unite with your soul, it’s like crossing a bridge and you can never go back to the way you thought or the way you were. Everything changes. Something clicks in your brain and you’re a different person. When Elaine did this, she developed an unwillingness to deal with things that just didn’t matter as much but do what she wanted.


[26:44] Everything changed for Elaine when she got to the center. People that she helped to take this path, their lives have changed, too. Sachin quoted Wayne Dyer, “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” Our perception is a powerful influencer of our reality.


[27:34] Elaine has helped many people walk this path as a guide and sage, she facilitates their walk. She talks about one woman who was very confused by the concept of the labyrinth. It was new. She had trouble surrendering to the experience. But she had so much pain, she was ready to do something and she trusted Elaine. Elaine had her walk the ancient path of the labyrinth.


[29:39] When people walk to the center, on their own, they feel an energetic shift within themselves. The woman knew something major had happened and she began to cry. She came out and they sat down. She shared her experience. She had seen herself as ugly but now she felt so beautiful. It’s one of Elaine’s favorite experiences.


[31:08] Sachin says when we see who we are, we see our inner beauty and we vibrate at a different frequency. When we are confident, present, and whole, the energy field around us changes, and the way people feel in our presence changes. We are attractive. Sachin wants this for as many people as possible. You can Google and walk a labyrinth close to you.


[33:01] Sachin has never walked a labyrinth, so he plans to take the opportunity with a client with this new knowledge he has. The labyrinth that changed Elaine’s life was located within half a mile of her home for over 20 years and she never realized it. She finally went there in search of answers and for an escape from all the entrepreneurial noise. She needed direction.


[34:07] Since the first time, each time Elaine gets to the center of the labyrinth, she hears a message from a very clear voice. One time she heard a line from a Michael Jackson song that said, ”You are not alone, I am here with you.” She got back to her car, turned on the radio, and the song was playing. Elaine has many examples of synchronicity that confirmed the messages.


[35:18] Elaine is here today at this point in her life because she had trusted those messages she received in labyrinths and she had taken time to get quiet and receive them.


[36:10] Elaine tells how to distinguish between the constant chatter in your mind and a guiding message. It is through this process that you can get this clear tuning in. When you hear that voice, it is just pure love, like a mother’s love. The overthinking mind is not very loving. This method is about how to get to that voice of love, the voice that is our self-love.


[37:08] You get to the self-loving voice by clearing out what weighs us down, whether the environment, our bodies, or our minds. You begin to have all these things just fall away until you’re a lightness of being when you can access this beautiful, loving voice.


[37:55] Elaine says she received a message about eight energy points in our bodies that shift the genomics of one’s body. She immediately thought it was crazy talk but then thought, if you’re not thinking crazy, you’re not thinking big enough. She thought this was big. She started channeling genomics, which she confirmed with geneticist Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard.


[39:52] Elaine channeled eight bony parts of the body that she says are energy points that can shift the genomics of the body. That corresponds with the eight paths of the labyrinth.


[42:06] The eight energy points are the top of the head, the chest and heart region, the abdominal region (the womb area and all the organs), the hip region, the tailbone area, the leg area from the thigh to the foot (particularly the knee caps), the feet area, and the shoulders. Elaine describes the energies of some of these points.


[48:36] Elaine has thoughts about the metaphysical reasons people show up to their functional medicine practitioner or chiropractor. She says their intuition is guiding them. Their mental and emotional problems show up as physical. The practitioner can help them connect the physical to the emotional or mental.


[50:51] Metaphorically, the body has hardware and software. Medicine focuses on the hardware, the things we can touch and see. The software tells the hardware what to do. It’s difficult to measure, so medicine often ignores it. The people listening on this call are very receptive and open to exploring the healing opportunities connected to our emotional being.


[52:20] The hardware is what brings in the clients and patients. It is an opportunity to explore further with our clients, looking at the psycho-emotional aspects of where this problem might be rooted. That might be more of what they need. We leave a lot on the table if we don’t explore the software or the emotional components of what’s contributing to their dysfunction.


[53:54] The main frustration in Elaine’s healthcare years was that they were just focused on the hardware. She knew that she wanted to help people with the software so they could heal themselves. Before sages and guides can help others, they need to connect with their software and heal that within themselves. Then they can help and guide patients.


[56:21] Elaine suggests you walk the labyrinth, feel your self-love, hear that loving voice, and you’ll bring that out into the world.


[56:50] Sachin thanks Elaine for being on the Perfect Practice podcast to share this beautiful information.


[58:11] Elaine’s last advice: We have to face hard things. Hear the truth, take it seriously, and get the tools and resources to help you through whatever you hear. There’s only benefit to facing our lives head-on, the good and the not-so-good to be yourself.


[59:24] Sachin invites listeners to share appreciation with Elaine for this knowledge of being quiet. Elaine says she loves you; she believes in you; keep going, because you are the one who is changing this planet.


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live

Ram Das

Be Here Now, by Ram Das

Michael Fishman

Consumer Health Summit

Mark Hyman

Get Quiet: A Woman’s Simple Path to Knowing Who You Are, Loving it, and Living It (to be published)


Wayne Dyer

Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard


Elaine Glass Bio:
A former dental hygienist by trade and an energy healer at heart, Elaine Glass has helped countless people to combine their intellect and intuition to boost their confidence, improve their health and relationships, find meaning and purpose, and manifest the life of their dreams.


Today, Elaine’s clients span worldwide. Yet it wasn’t always that way. In 2008, Elaine was a dental hygienist, successful by all measures, yet bored and unfulfilled in her “successful” career. Her true interest was spirituality, finding quiet and new intuition to deeply heal, and while Elaine had trained extensively in these practices for many years, she couldn’t imagine leaving her mainstream career for beliefs and practices so far outside the norm.


Yet Elaine’s passion kept calling, and finally, in a moment of clarity, she knew it was time to let the past go, embrace her passion for helping others, and follow her heart. In the decade that followed, Elaine consistently coached private clients, further deepened her abilities in energy work, and fell in love.


Elaine found the joy of helping others incredibly fulfilling. Her clients saw profound changes in their lives, particularly when she showed them the power of quiet. Even so, many people in the world were living lives disconnected from their passion, unaware of their true potential.


Elaine knew she needed to help more people, and with a commitment to broader impact the "Get Quiet method" was born. Her mission with this method is to help millions of women discover the quiet inside to foster their deepest healing and personal transformation.


A graduate of Northwestern University, Elaine lives in Arizona and is the proud mom of two sons.


Connect with Elaine:

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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community, and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done