Today’s episode is a talk Sachin gave at Terry Wahl’s Amplify event


Key Takeaways:

[:45] Sachin opens up his talk by sharing a productivity app that could change how you have conversations with your patients or teams!

Qualify your time [3:34] Sachin dives right in with steps, suggestions, and a free resource ( of his in order to qualify your time.

[7:23] The importance of a supportive spouse.

[8:15] If people are to choose to trust you with their money and even more — their health — you have to be certain and you have to be confident.

[8:53] Sachin talks about Terry’s influence on his practice and why simpler is better.

[10:40] “How long have humans been doing that for?” is a key question Sachin likes to ask his patients.

[12:12] On why it’s critical to walk the walk if you are going to talk the talk!

The Five Freedoms [14:45] Sachin explains The Five Freedoms that should be present in your business, and your life:

1. Emotional freedom — controlling your emotions is an effective way to hijack your nervous system, for you or someone else! 2. Geographic freedom — see our beautiful planet. 3. Health freedom — your business can’t negatively impact your health. 4. Time freedom — Make time for what’s important. 5. Financial freedom — this has to be a by-product of the work you love. [17:25] Explicitly sharing your values is really important in building relationships with your clients. Improve your business [12:07] Sachin shares three things to do to improve your business right away: 1. Make sure you are laser-focused — find a coach or mentor. 2. Take charge of your schedule — make sure you are present and in the moment. 3. Know yourself — genetic testing offers some interesting information. Retargeting pixels [26:00] Is your website doing everything it can for you and your potential clients? Sachin explains the importance of targeting pixels and building a retargeting strategy in order to get your message out to the people who are interested in it. [31:16] If you don’t have one, get a pixel installed to start building an audience (Step-by-step to check if your website has a pixel, start at Facebook Pixel Helper.) [34:35] Sachin shares the case study of one of his clients and what a retargeting pixel enabled him to do. Running challenges [36:50] Sachin lays out the structure of a challenge, what it can do for your business but more importantly what it can do for your clients! Building your community [43:31] Don’t compare, connect! You never know how much people actually need you and who could be a resource. [48:24] Fun tip: Uber drivers are a great captive audience! Practice your pitch! [48:55] Sachin shares some of his methods to build community including hosting workshops, attending live events and masterminds. Never forget yourself in the mix: you are the average of the five people you spend your time with. [54:33] Perfect Practice Live/Wahls — April 3rd to 5th 2020 — $250 out of every ticket sale goes to Terry Wahl’s research fund. [57:40] Before signing off, Sachin shares a personal story of growth.   Mentioned in this episode Perfect Practice Live — April 3rd to 5th 2020 Otter Qualify your time — Sachin’s free questionnaire JJ Virgin Mindshare Terry Wahl | Amplify Jeffrey Bland Tim Grover Joe Polish Ram Dass Dan Kennedy Facebook Pixel Helper Barbara DeAngelis   More about your host Dr. Sachin Patel How to speak with Sachin Go one step further and become The Living Proof   Books by Sachin Patel: Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth   The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done