Today’s episode comes to you live from Sachin’s hotel room in New Jersey! He is attending the Unblinded Sales Mastery course by Sean Callagy on integrity-based sales.


In this podcast, Sachin will be sharing his highlights and insights from day one of three of this masterclass. Tune in for a peek on how you can shift the sales paradigm on its ugly head, and what you can start asking today to deepen your emotional connection with your clients.


Key Takeaways:

[:43] Sales can sometimes feel sleazy. Integrity-based Human Influence proposes to shift this unpleasant paradigm.

[2:10] Don’t miss your chance for a seat at the upcoming Perfect Practice Live event on how to get outside of your brick and mortar to access great new opportunities!

Note [4:30] Sachin will only be sharing an overview of Sean’s formula, and he advises you attend the course — like him and many of his clients and friends — to get the whole picture.

[6:24] Sean Callagy proposes a three-part framework for building rapport and reaching agreement formation.

Part one [7:12] The four-step communication model. As a medical practitioner, listening is one of your most powerful tools to build an emotional rapport.

Part two [14:47] The 10 indispensable elements. These elements are tools to help you build your leadership, connect more deeply, get the right information and frame your services in their best light for your clients.

Part three [21:02] Four energies. Sachin breaks down the four types of energies that participate in building influence and leadership.

[22:27] The five questions you can start asking today to help build a better emotional rapport and deepen your understanding of your client’s story.

[26:00] If 2020 is your year, the Perfect practice live event is for you! An amazing roster of speakers will be present to help you go beyond brick and mortar to increase your impact and influence in the world.

[28:06] Sachin shares his love and wishes you all success in 2020.


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live — April 3rd to 5th 2020

Unblinded Sales MasterySean Callagy

Jared Yellin

Joe Polish

Dr. Peter Osborne

Matthew Loop

UJ Ramdas

Jason Christoff


More about your host Dr. Sachin Patel

How to speak with Sachin

Go one step further and become The Living Proof


Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth


The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done