Dr. Peter Osborne is the clinical director of Origins Health Care in Sugar Land, Texas. He is a Doctor of pastoral science, and a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist. Often times referred to as “The Gluten Free Warrior,” he is one of the most sought-after alternative and nutritional experts in the world. His practice is centered on helping nutritionally support those with painful chronic degenerative and autoimmune problems using natural methods. He is one of the world’s leading authorities on gluten sensitivity, and lectures nationally to both the public as well as doctors on this and many other nutritionally related topics. Listen to this episode to get the best advice to take your practice to the next level, incorporate easy and actionable tips that will help you make the right choices at the right time, and learn the best online strategies that will help your business flourish. You have the passion — now, let the money follow while you help thousands of people gain back their health.


Key takeaways:

[2:32] What is Dr. Peter’s mission in his daily practice?

[3:22] Helping people recover from autoimmune diseases.

[6:10] Great physicians also need to understand business.

[9:10] Have a big mission, a strategy, and the right money mindset.

[10:13] Dr. Peter’s first product sold online.

[13:43] Pay attention to the questions people are asking.

[14:13] What does Dr. Peter wish had known five years ago?

[17:00] When is it better to delegate?

[22:35] Be resourceful.

[23:02] When would be the right time to outsource?

[25:13] Consider the time spent on communication.

[28:10] Hire the right person and add them to your team.

[25:40] Using personality tests for the hiring process.

[30:00] Basic or Elaborate Website?

[31:05] Content is king.

[34:53] Best tips to build your email list.

[36:37] Follow up until people get out of your list or join your community.

[37:01] Create an ebook.

[37:46] The headline matters.

[38:21] An easy way to write an ebook is recording a webinar.

[41:35] Become profitable as quickly as you can.

[42:01] Creating reciprocity by delivering valuable information.

[43:35] Most people are visual learners.

[44:45] Create a demand for the product first.

[46:55] Rev, an app you must have to capture your ideas.

[48:59] Money follows passion.

[52:34] Functional Medicine Success Summit Unleashing your superpower.


Mentioned in this episode:

Learn more about Sachin Patel

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth, by Sachin Patel

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done, by Sachin Patel

“Become Living Proof,” Sachin Patel

Speak with Sachin

Meet Dr. Peter Osborne

Functional Medicine Success Summit