Sachin Patel wants to share with you the knowledge to turn your business around! Sachin just participated in a Genius Network Meeting in Phoenix, where the best entrepreneurs around the world get together to share their strongest strategies and habits. Take notes and get ready to listen to this podcast several times. Your functional medicine practice will benefit from these tips that you can put into action right away!


Key takeaways:

[4:29] HALF (Hard, Annoying, Lame, and Frustrated) versus ELF (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun) exercise.

[8:49] Fastest way to finish your project is to dump it.

[11:11] When your values are clear, decisions are very easy.

[13:10] Let yourself be vulnerable.

[13:45] The nine-word email, reactivation email.

[16:33] Don’t bypass psychology by using technology.

[17:25] Riding the bus once in a while.

[19:07] Super happy fun days.

[20:11] You have to have white space in your life.

[21:33] Everything measured and reported improves.

[23:16] Assign yourself a verb: “I am…”

[24:43] How to address an audience.


Mentioned in this episode:

Genius Network Meeting