Previous Episode: Daynote 2023-11-20

Yesterday, I said in a team meeting that I needed to be working out in the open more. Very soon after, I got an invitation to go to a thing tonight, coincidentally featuring someone who is associated with Black Elephant. Fun. But really working out loud or working in the open is not restricted to … Continue reading Tuesday, 21st November 2023 →

Yesterday, I said in a team meeting that I needed to be working out in the open more. Very soon after, I got an invitation to go to a thing tonight, coincidentally featuring someone who is associated with Black Elephant. Fun.

But really working out loud or working in the open is not restricted to going outside and talking to people (the horror!). It means this place. Or this place and all the other places that I have a tense relationship with – the places we’ve come to call social media, but only because “soul- and relationship-destroying online social networks that feed us more crap than the mainstream media every dreamed of” is a bit of a mouthful.

When I first heard that phrase “social media” it was at a conference, probably in 2005 or 2006. It got an immediate “ugh” from me. At the time I was doing that thing where I’d turn up to a conference and record the speakers (with or without their permission or knowledge) and then publish it online, and everybody (I spoke to) thought it was great. People started paying me to do it for them and to create an RSS feed for them as podcasts. Until they didn’t. Until they (or someone in legal) thought through the ramifications because this did seem to be becoming the new normal and maybe people wouldn’t go to the conferences if they could get them free or bootlegged. Ah well, by that time, I’d got new fish to fry. But anyway, the point is that making media was only the means to an end, it was a way of me thinking out loud and making things that other people could reflect on and think about too. And that’s what this place ought to be too, certainly not a place where media is made or *shudder*… content!

I’ve spent much of today working on a new deck for Black Elephant. And I’m still getting used to how to do this sort of work remotely in a team that exists separately in England, Greece and Mali (at least we’re vaguely on the same time zone). Yesterday we just had a bunch of text and the old deck. First thing this morning we had a first draft of the deck and we spent almost an hour in our morning meeting talking through what was needed. Then two of us worked together in Google Sheets to pull in stuff that we’ve used before and amend new stuff and put new ideas in. Just as with blogging, the writing of these things is the thinking. It’s really hard (for me) to think through an idea for a slide or set of slides without typing something out and then looking at it and realising that it’s wrong and going back over and over. This is the work today. We have a better draft. And as the cult of done manifesto says: “Accept that everything is a draft, it helps to get things done.”

And so this evening to St Ethelburga’s in the City, y’know the one just along from St Mary’s Axe that was blown up by the IRA and is now a Peace and Reconciliation Centre. I heard Paul Kingsnorth and Martin Shaw talk about Seeking God in Wild Places. I don’t know what I think about it yet, so don’t ask me. No, I’m on the train and it’s nearly 9:30pm and it’s getting more and more crowded because there’s only 5 carriages and everyone’s trying to get home.

Martin Shaw obscures Paul Kingsnorth. It’s not a metaphor.