Previous Episode: Weeknote 23/49

I like this format because it reminds me of primary school, where the first thing you had to do was write today’s date at the top of the page. # Today I learned that Stanley Baxter is a) still alive at 97 and b) out of the closet since 2020. # A reminder that the … Continue reading Tuesday, 12th December 2023 →

I like this format because it reminds me of primary school, where the first thing you had to do was write today’s date at the top of the page. #

Today I learned that Stanley Baxter is a) still alive at 97 and b) out of the closet since 2020. #

A reminder that the four horsemen (or Gupta’s Path To Riches, depending on your perspective) are Blockchain, AI, VR/AR and IoT. Just because there’s been lots of focus on one or other of these of late, doesn’t mean the others have gone away. #

Dave asked about how much of a hassle it was to do anchor tags in wordpress. Not much faff, in my experience using the block editor. I have a sidebar menu for the paragraph block I’m typing. Under ‘Advanced’ I add the same Block Name and HTML Anchor for the first paragraph of a new section – for ease, yesterday I just used S1, S2… SX for sections but for readability, if I were doing a longer piece, I think I’d use somethin more descriptive. Then I add a hash symbol at the end of the block which is linked to the anchor tag (just type eg “#S2” in the link creation dialog). This is meant to be a demonstration of the degree of faff involved (ie non-zero), not a polished set of instructions, ymmv. Yes, of course I’d like something automagic and better fitted to my dainty hands but I also like making more work for myself than is needed sometimes. #

The main way in which it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas is that the overall volume of incoming messages has increased – mostly from people trying to clear things off their todo list before the end of next week (or earlier). I am not altogether innocent of doing this myself, either, soz. #