To many Alien fans across the world, the name "Alan Dean Foster" has become legend. Many of us grew up reading his novelizations—book treatments so rich with character and setting they felt like movies unto themselves. 

In addition to his four decades of work on the Alien franchise, Alan Dean Foster has written well over 100 novels spanning science fiction, fantasy, and novelizations of some of the most globally beloved franchises (Star Wars, Star Trek, Terminator, and many others).

In this relaxed, free-ranging interview, Mr. Foster takes Jaime and Patrick on a journey through his career in and out of Hollywood. We discuss his connection to the Alien series, his dreams for the future, the nature of creativity, and a heck of a lot more. We also dedicate time at the end to listener questions (thanks for submitting them at Building Better Worlds!).

Be sure to check out for a wealth of information on his work. It's worth the visit!

This is another dream-come-true interview for us, and we are so pleased to share it with you. 


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