Prometheus premiered at a curious time in Alien fandom. It'd been 15 years since the release of the previous canonical film in the main Alien continuity, and the internet was transitioning rapidly into something a lot more connected—and a lot more intense—than what it'd previously been.

It was an era of tightly guarded secrets, leaked photos, buzzing internet forums, and nascent social media groups. And one of the most active places for fans to engage was (and is) AvPGalaxy (

On this installment of our ongoing investigation into Prometheus, Jaime and Patrick spend some quality time with their friend Aaron Percival, AvPGalaxy's co-administrator and host of the AvPGalaxy podcast. They discuss where fandom was in the months leading up to Prometheus' premiere—and how various changes in studio marketing, social media, and public discourse came together to create a unique time to be an Alien fan.

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