On this episode I interview with Simon Austin, sports journalist and Founder of the Training Ground Guru - shining a light on the work going on behind the scenes in professional football.

On work-life balance Simon says;

"I think it differs for each person and I'm not sure I've got in right. I love what I do and spend a lot of time engrossed in it."

Simon set up the Training Ground Guru in 2017 having previously worked for the BBC for over 10 years and as a freelancer for several national newspapers.

He didn't think there was enough information being shared and in order to understand what's going on, on match day you need to understand what's happening on the training ground during the week.

And so the Training Ground Guru was created; shining a light on what's going on behind the scenes in football. Very much breaking away from the traditional pattern of how things have also been done in the industry.

It's taken a while for Simon to build up that trust and respect with the clubs but the response has been great so far. As a knock on this has led to the media at different clubs showing an interest and getting involved as well.

I've been in journalism for over 20 years and always had a passion in this area. It's a growing area that hasn't really been covered.

If a reader says; 'that was interesting', then that's enough for Simon to take as acknowledgement for what he's set out to do in providing insight.

He's always wanted his own site and something that he's in control of; putting forward his own philosophy. There's definitely more freedom, however, Simon places a huge emphasis on 'thinking about your readers' and what they want.

In fact he thinks of them as his boss now.

Final take-away:

"Be yourself. There's a lot of pressure to conform and follow the lead of others. A lot of the time this is the road to ruin. Everyone has their own journey and their own story."

If you enjoyed the interview with Simon then please do start a conversation with him on;

<a href="https://twitter.com/ground_guru">Twitter</a>

<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-austin-78691711/">LinkedIn</a>

<a href="https://www.facebook.com/thetgguru/">Facebook</a>

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOcrigeU8ffLIdmxePRXjpw/featured">YouTube</a>

You can also find more details on their<a href="http://trainingground.guru/"> website </a>

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