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My guest today is Amanda Gallinger of Creative Business Collective, a marketing and business strategy expert who helps passionate creatives build profitable online businesses.

What blows my mind about Amanda, aside from all the business-changing advice she’s about to share with you in this episode is that a few years ago, she found my free 5 Day Website Challenge and used it to learn WordPress and build all of her websites.

I mean, she’s a massively successful business owner and I had no idea that she’d used my training to help her get a handle on WordPress!

So she’d been on my mailing list for awhile, which I also had no idea, and then she replied to one of my newsletters one day and asked me to do a bonus training inside of her Soulful Selling course to walk her students through what they needed to do to get their websites set up - which of course I said yes - and then as I always do, I used an invitation to be on the podcast as a way to get to know her better and pick her marketing expert brain for you guys!

My interview with Amanda left my head spinning, in a good way!!
So typically when a guest comes on the show, I’m recording from the moment they hop on, we chit chat, I do a little countdown and then I introduce them and we just roll from there… But with Amanda, we hit it off so well at the beginning that we just rolled right into to it - so let’s go ahead and dive into my interview with Amanda Gallinger of Creative Business Collective.

Today we’re talking about:

How Amanda made the transition from corporate to self-employed How Amanda she helps her clients identify their zone of genius and helps them package it as a premium service. Why Amanda started selling her coaching packages at a premium price from the beginning (and how you can too). The one thing your website must have on it to stand out online. The number one thing that will lead to your success. Why hourly pricing isn’t good for your or your ideal client and what to do instead. What a “value ladder” is and how to use it in your business. Why you feel so busy but you’re not making any money - and how to fix it. Amanda’s 90 day rule and how to apply it in your own business. Amanda’s advice for someone who is just starting out and struggling to get traction. The one belief Amanda had to change about herself to get where she is today.

My favorite quotes from Amanda:

“What’s in your tool box that you can turn around and use to reinvent yourself?” “When someone buys from you, often times they are buying from you because they really like you and they want to be in your energy.” “When people pay, they pay attention.”