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Eden Fried of the Rebel Boss Ladies Podcast helps women achieve financial freedom and flexibility by selling digital products online - and there are two things I love about Eden:

One is that she loves to dive into real numbers - and not the big, splashy numbers we see that make us feel like we’ll never get there, but the beginner numbers. Like, how to make your first $500 and then how to scale from there.

Two - she understands the importance of relationships and collaboration. Eden reached out to me and pitched a podcast interview swap, a tactic which I’m totally going to steal from her so if you have a podcast, watch out, I’m coming for you.

But honestly, interviews are like, the best way to get to know a complete stranger when you meet them for the first time and then you get to spend an hour asking them pretty personal questions about their dreams, mistakes and fears.

She got to come on the show and be grilled by me, and then I got the pleasure to be interviewed by her - so definitely go to or /itunes and subscribe so you don’t miss my episode with her (it’s not out yet) and while you’re at it, make sure you’re subscribed to Pep Talks for Side Hustlers and if you haven’t left a review yet, I’d really appreciate it if you could take a second to go to and leave me a rating and review - that helps the podcast get found on iTunes.

Today we’re talking about:

How Eden was accepted to law school, but then decided not to go and instead created her own business. How she paid attention to questions her audience was asking her to create her first digital product. Exactly what Eden did to ensure her first digital product was a success. How Eden doesn’t believe in multitasking - and what she does instead. Why you shouldn’t create content for the sake of creating content. Why Eden started her podcast, Rebel Boss Ladies. The #1 most successful tactic Eden uses to grow her email list. Why you should find three people to follow, and focus on just those three people to reduce the noise The one belief Eden had to change about herself Eden’s advice for someone who is just starting out and struggling to get traction

I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at Eden’s Rebel Boss Virtual Summit this summer! I’ll be talking about going from Side Hustle to Solopreneur: How to Leverage Digital Products to Replace Your Day Job Income While Working Full Time.

So if you wanna make sure that you get notified when the registration is open and get your free ticket, go to to get on the list and I’ll let you know when registration opens.

And make sure you head over to and get your hands on her case study all about exactly how she made her first $1,000 online.

My favorite quotes from Eden:

“I just kept showing up everyday, even though I didn’t have immediate results” “If you’re so hungry for the profits right now, you’re going to miss a lot of the clarity you need for that focus” “If I see that something is working, I’m going to double down on those efforts and continue to make it work” “I am very driven on the one path and I don’t let distractions tempt me and pull me in other directions” “Do something with the time that you have, make it something that you actually enjoy.” “Putting yourself out there, not apologizing and taking action: That’s how you grow.”