“If I could tell anyone to do anything, it would just be to do an experience like this. You know, meet 13 strangers and see the world.”  -Lizzy McSpadden   When I met Lizzy, she was on a road trip with more than a dozen strangers, on day 9 of an Alaskan tour.   Lizzy decided that she wanted to see Alaska before she started what she calls her “big girl job”, working as a lawyer in Arkansas, so she booked a trip with Trek America.   She is on a quest to visit all the National Parks and on a mission to get her travel companions to start saying “y’all”.   I absolutely loved the way she described the view, summing it up with the word majestic.   And I’d have to agree.   Let’s jump in!   Want to follow along with Nat Park Stories? Join Nat Park Stories on Facebook or Instagram!