Dishing Disney - Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

For this movie review episode, we begin at the beginning. The first Disney animated film and what would launch the company into the cultural zeitgeist. We analyze the classic fairy tale of a fair maiden who shacks up with some older gentlemen while hiding from her insecure stepmom.

Tune in next time for this month's Top 5 episode; Top 5 Season 1 Episodes. We look back at the first year of shows and discuss our personal favorites, as well as our most popular episodes! Be sure to Like, Share, and Subscribe in your favorite podcast app, Tweet us @dishingdisney, follow in Instagram @dishingdisneypod, and follow us on Facebook here.

Dustin & Briana, a couple who love all things Disney, sit down twice a month to discuss and analyze a variety of Disney films and topics with a grownup perspective and an adult sense of humor.
Dishing Disney will give film reviews with the memories of a child filtered through an adult frame of mind. So wish upon a star, give a little whistle, and be a part of our world as we explore the Wide World of Disney together!