Season 2. Episode 8. (Episode 13) - Spoiler Alert! - This week the podcast that talks about the things people should talk about talks about spoilers.  In this week's episode we talk about the statue of limitations on spoilers, and when are they OK to reveal!? Tell us when you think it's OK to talk about Spoilers? What is the worst thing that's been spoiled for you, or you spoiled for someone else? Would you even click on something related to something you didn't want spoile [...]

Season 2. Episode 8. (Episode 13) - Spoiler Alert! - This week the podcast that talks about the things people should talk about talks about spoilers.  In this week's episode we talk about the statue of limitations on spoilers, and when are they OK to reveal!? 

Tell us when you think it's OK to talk about Spoilers? What is the worst thing that's been spoiled for you, or you spoiled for someone else? Would you even click on something related to something you didn't want spoiled in the first place? More importantly, talk about these it with other people!