Season 2. Episode 10. (Episode 15) - The Universe - This week the podcast that talks about the things people should talk about talks about The Universe and the Space Time Continuum.  Help Sebby figure out what's at the edge of the universe and where the big bang came from?  Be sure to let us know your favorite time travel representations. Also tell us if think time travel is possible? Invincible and Immortal - are they the same?More importantly,  talk about these [...]

Season 2. Episode 10. (Episode 15) - The Universe - This week the podcast that talks about the things people should talk about talks about The Universe and the Space Time Continuum.  Help Sebby figure out what's at the edge of the universe and where the big bang came from?  

Be sure to let us know your favorite time travel representations. Also tell us if think time travel is possible? Invincible and Immortal - are they the same?More importantly,  talk about these things with other people!