[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTCyKVzjues]

Today’s episode summarizes all we have discussed regarding the FLSA exemption and provides an assessment that we recommend you perform with every single one of your employees.

Even if the information you write down is not entirely accurate, simply having this information on paper for each of your employees makes a huge difference whenever a situation calls for you to recall these critical factors.

On each evaluation sheet, provide the following information:

Job category/ID
Name and title of the evaluator
Company name and tax ID
Direct supervisor’s name (if applicable)
Date of evaluation

There are eight categories under which employees can qualify as exempt:

Administrative exemption
Learned professional exemption
Creative professional exemption
Computer employee exemption
Outside sales exemption
Highly-compensated employee exemption
Business owner exemption
Executive exemption

On your evaluation sheet, respond “yes” or “no” to each of the listed statements. A response of "yes" to every statement supports a determination of exempt status for that category; a response of "no" to one or more statements supports a determination of nonexempt status. Employees may fall under more than one of these categories. 

Should the employee be determined to be exempt, select all of the categories they fall under, out of the eight. Otherwise, note down that the employee does not qualify for an exemption.