The Peace Academy offers a unique approach to education that could be called “learning by being.” The Peace Academy aspires to create holistic real world experiences in an eco-friendly and robust learning environment with the most comprehensive standards in the sciences, the humanities, and the arts. Their programs are designed for students to strengthen individuality, seek their potential, and maximize their opportunity to learn and contribute. While building bridges of respect among each other and the environment, students will experience the richness of coexisting among people of diverse faiths, cultures, and backgrounds. They build community partnerships as they shape the lives of children. 



Peace Academy Religious misperceptions: Local Muslims work to educate the public about Islam (New Times Article about Meet Your Muslim Neighbor Event) Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (College) Botanical Gardens San Luis Obispo Diversity Coalition of SLO County Rancho El Chorro Outdoor School Native Plant Garden in Guadalupe Dune Center Summer Camp Lavra Community for Sustainable Living (Organization)




Peace Academy aspires to create holistic real world experiences in an eco-friendly and robust learning environment with the most comprehensive standards in the sciences, the humanities, and the arts. Their programs are designed for students to strengthen individuality, seek their potential, and maximize their opportunity to learn and contribute. While building bridges of respect among each other and the environment, students will experience the richness of coexisting among people of diverse faiths, cultures, and backgrounds. They believe that when children learn our fundamental similarities, an appreciation for our differences emerges. They model for the world how our differences make us stronger, how to build on each other’s strengths, and how coexistence is the pathway to peace.  

Dara Stepanek is an educator and community leader who graduated from Cal Poly with a Mathematics Major, Physics Minor, and Teaching Credential. She taught math at Central Coast New Tech High School for 6 years before becoming a co-owner and General Manager at Bliss, an organic and plant-based restaurant and marketplace in downtown SLO. She also works as an Integrative Nutrition Coach for individuals and groups seeking holistic approaches to optimal health & wellness. Her life's intention is to educate, activate, and lead people into lifestyles that align with a thriving self, community, & planet. Always looking for innovative ideas within the broad spectrum of educational possibilities, Dara is very excited to be a part of Peace Academy’s team and vision.


We greatly appreciate your financial support so that we can continue to educate, advocate and pray for the things that matter to our organization. Please consider donating through PayPal.

People of Faith for Justice is a 501 (c )(3)  non-profit  organization.


The People of Faith for Justice Podcast is produced and edited by Jeff Manildi

Music for the People of Faith for Justice Podcast is provided by Andrew Gorman