Dalia Kamar established her work in Egypt as she develops entrepreneurs to maneuver barriers. No matter if the barrier is geographic or linguistic, Dalia worked to empower entrepreneurs of the Middle East to flourish in their own communities. She is not opposed to global interactions and details her own global experience. Being open to finding serendipitous opportunities helped Dalia connect with diverse entrepreneurs.

She started off with her experience attending an American University in Cairo, Egypt. At this place she involved herself head first into engaging the rising trend entrepreneurs during that time. Eventually, Dalia found herself interning with RiseUp, which led to larger roles in different initiatives. Throughout her early work, Dalia focused on helping the initiative’s gain exposure and bringing resources to accelerate growth.

Beyond growth, Dalia noticed the absence of the Arab voice in the entrepreneurship discussion of a region that is predominantly Arab. She commented on the lack of content on business topics, such as funding, provided in the Arabic language. Working around this particular barrier exposed the limits and gaps of content delivery not catering to the region.  Dalia shared her thoughts on an important result of connecting people, especially role models and mentors, in the region: “...being part of a community that's trying to accomplish the same thing and being able to get feedback in ways that you really relate to.”

Dalia spoke about her involvement with Rustic Pathways during an immersive summit geared towards youth. She explained that the summit gives an atmosphere of learning, messing up, and learning from your mess-ups. She shared her surprise at being invited; she attended the summit years ago as a participant. Dalia reflects on the lessons of creativity, developing ideas, and how we gain from every interaction in our life.

Turning to entrepreneur trends, Dalia emphasized the process of tangible, measurable, and actionable impact.  She expressed her thoughts of being able to manage that impact while scaling the business. Trends can create guidance, but knowing how to apply what you need to yourself is powerful. Learning to adapt  is even more powerful. Dalia explained the lesson in being agile:

“I think your constant state of being should be just being agile and adaptable, because I think if you're too set in your ways, not even in a business setting, just in a life setting, if you were too set in your ways, and you're not really able to absorb the changes around you, then you'll be a really unhappy person.”

Dali is trying new things herself as she works with Equitie, an advisory and an investment firm. The initiative guides strategic decision-making, including product market fit, financial modeling, and raising finance for the companies around the Middle East. Equitie has a global network of investors for their diverse entrepreneurs to unlock market opportunities. Dalia explained details related to funding in capital from her experiences in the entrepreneur space considering the strategy and structures working today.

If you would like to learn more, you can visit FOUNDERSMEDIA, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Dalia Kamar established her work in Egypt as she develops entrepreneurs to maneuver barriers. No matter if the barrier is geographic or linguistic, Dalia worked to empower entrepreneurs of the Middle East to flourish in their own communities. She is not opposed to global interactions and details her own global experience. Being open to finding serendipitous opportunities helped Dalia connect with diverse entrepreneurs.

She started off with her experience attending an American University in Cairo, Egypt. At this place she involved herself head first into engaging the rising trend entrepreneurs during that time. Eventually, Dalia found herself interning with RiseUp, which led to larger roles in different initiatives. Throughout her early work, Dalia focused on helping the initiative’s gain exposure and bringing resources to accelerate growth.

Beyond growth, Dalia noticed the absence of the Arab voice in the entrepreneurship discussion of a region that is predominantly Arab. She commented on the lack of content on business topics, such as funding, provided in the Arabic language. Working around this particular barrier exposed the limits and gaps of content delivery not catering to the region.  Dalia shared her thoughts on an important result of connecting people, especially role models and mentors, in the region: “…being part of a community that’s trying to accomplish the same thing and being able to get feedback in ways that you really relate to.”

Dalia spoke about her involvement with Rustic Pathways during an immersive summit geared towards youth. She explained that the summit gives an atmosphere of learning, messing up, and learning from your mess-ups. She shared her surprise at being invited; she attended the summit years ago as a participant. Dalia reflects on the lessons of creativity, developing ideas, and how we gain from every interaction in our life.

Turning to entrepreneur trends, Dalia emphasized the process of tangible, measurable, and actionable impact.  She expressed her thoughts of being able to manage that impact while scaling the business. Trends can create guidance, but knowing how to apply what you need to yourself is powerful. Learning to adapt  is even more powerful. Dalia explained the lesson in being agile:

“I think your constant state of being should be just being agile and adaptable, because I think if you’re too set in your ways, not even in a business setting, just in a life setting, if you were too set in your ways, and you’re not really able to absorb the changes around you, then you’ll be a really unhappy person.”

Dali is trying new things herself as she works with Equitie, an advisory and an investment firm. The initiative guides strategic decision-making, including product market fit, financial modeling, and raising finance for the companies around the Middle East. Equitie has a global network of investors for their diverse entrepreneurs to unlock market opportunities. Dalia explained details related to funding in capital from her experiences in the entrepreneur space considering the strategy and structures working today.

If you would like to learn more, you can visit FOUNDERSMEDIA, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

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