Paula Paul entered the workforce as a software engineer after an internship with IBM in the early 80’s. Since then she has shipped commercial software, evangelized .NET for Microsoft, and held executive positions in corporate IT. After ‘flipping the table’ mid-career, she came back to technology through a passion for teaching people to code. Paula is currently an architect with AmWINS Group, Inc. and enjoys work in the community as an ABI (Anita Borg Institute) Syster, diversity speaker, and mentor.

Show notes at

What you will learn from this episode Why this is the perfect time to get into the technology industry. The demographics of awesome software developers. Why "TechnologyPeople" is an awesome glitch. The hardest part of working in the tech industry and why we struggle in that area. How to get around the passive-aggressive resistance of engineers. The win-win scenario of being wrong. Why we need to tap into the emotions of the people we are serving. The fears and anxieties that hold people back. How to find the companies that will support your skill set.


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