Have you ever stopped to think that being a great manager isn’t actually about you (*ouch*)? That’s the shift in thinking that FranklinCovey’s Todd Davis argues for in his new book, Everyone Deserves a Great Manager. Todd suggests being a great manager is really about everyone on your team, and what their individual needs, hopes, and goals are.

This may seem a bit counter-intuitive, especially considering how prevalent leadership development books, resources, and gurus are these days, with a square focus on self-growth. But don’t confuse the shift from me to thee as a shift away from self-development. Being a great manager requires constant growth and development, but the focus becomes how your skillset benefits your team predominantly, and not just you.

If this feels like hard work, we’ve got you covered. First, listen to Todd talk about his six critical practices (which are field-tested, real, and relatable) on the People at Work podcast. Then, pick up a copy of his book with excellent start-today resources for how to apply each of the six practices. In doing so, you’ll elevate your managerial practice and the level of satisfaction and engagement on your team. Who wouldn’t want that?

About our Guest:

With three decades of experience in human resources and talent development, Todd is FranklinCovey’s Chief People Officer and an author. He once fulfilled a lifelong goal of taking a stand-up comedy course where graduation included a 15-minute warm-up act at a local comedy club. 

Connect with him on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/todddavisfc/ or follow him on Twitter @ToddDavisFC.

His books include: 

Everyone Deserves a Great Manager

Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to build Effective Relationships at Work

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